Below find a few items requested by fans.

Geoff Dale
"An excellent and enjoyable book of W.C.'s life and films written by his grandson."
Amazon Books
"Appropriately, the book is written in a breezy style that makes it enjoyable to read, and Fields includes a summary of key principles at the end of each chapter."
Amazon Books
"The sketches are a riot to read, and the extended sequences from the movies, even the ones you may not have seen, are side-splittingly funny."
Amazon Books
"Excellent insight into Field's personality when offstage. An essential volume for any true Fields aficionado."
Amazon Books
"This work was compiled by W.C.'s grandson after years that his work had been locked up in a basement room. The fact that much of it is made up of sketches, photo's, stories/annecdotes, performance materials, letters between W.C. and his family/others, makes this invaluable to theatre enthusiasts/historians and W.C. cultists. Without a doubt a must for any library."
Rocky J. Nickel